Tuesday, September 17, 2013

social networking: better or worst than the real thing?

I would like to believe that social networking is useful to get connected with people and build better things, but at the same time I thing it has ruind our skills to build meaningful relationships. My idea is to research and find out if whether or not social networking has been something good for us the users of it has been a good advance in technology but a bad thing for us to learn how to interact with people face to face.


  1. I find it easier to interact with people in face to face situations after interacting with them virtually. For some people its easier to talk to someone through social networking sites and that should act as an icebreaker for people. If you are already communicating electronically then you should be able to hold an conversation when you see them in real life.

    1. I do agree with you that it is easier sometimes to first make a connection through a social network and then face to face, but why did this way became easier than just meeting someone face to face, people who actually didn't have a computer back then they had to break the ice somehow. I believe that both the real thing and social networking are important now, if not they would have not been as popular as they are now.

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