Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The New Thing

I know that I have to come up with something that does not exist but what comes to my mind is something that is now being developed and is voice activated devices.

It started with the cars so you would not have to take the hands of the steer wheel which should help people avoid accidents and get distracted while driving.
I think this is a great because it can help you multitask and search for several things at the same time with you not having to actually touch the keyboard. It will look like in the movie "I Robot" where with voice command you will have an answer for what are looking for, or have something when you ask for it. Machines and accessories can be activated not only by being in front of them and giving them a voice command but also by voice command over a voice message or something like that.
I think this will actually be a very good thing if it gets to be accessible to everybody, because I think it can help people to actually learn how to multitask without doing things hallways or even mediocrely.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Our Class Wiki, So far...

I have not contributed yet to our class wiki, because I have been looking for things that with what I have been working in some other classes and I think I might have a very good idea on what I would like to contribute but still need to do some research.

P2P File Sharing

File sharing is just sharing files with other people, like videos, music, documents, and so on; it could be person to person or person to public.

P2P file sharing is when you are in a network where people share files and you can download them by being subscribed or just by going to their website. This has also been a big problem all around the world and you can read it in the article "Should Online Scofflaws Be Denied Web Access?" they are trying to make the people who violate copyright to pay for it, which in most cases don't really success.

Some examples of P2P file sharing are Pirate Bay, Megaupload, Torrentz.eu, among others.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


My advise to Baruch will be to find a better way for students to interact with professors. Even though Blackboard is a "good" way to keep in touch with your professors and the assignments for class and all that, I think it lacks a little bit more of the interaction. I sometimes do not think that having to log in to the CUNY portal is that efficient, there should be a faster and better way to access it.
With respect to online classes there should be more of them, because they sometimes make the students more efficient since they have to be aware and more attentive to what is going on and take time to actually study and do the homework.


Confidentiality and privacy are related to new media in the way that if you do not have them you are just allowing every single person in the world to manipulate your information and the things you post, like pictures, videos, etc., as they wish.
By having privacy you are only allowing a certain group of people to actually see what you post and do with your information, and confidentiality makes that privacy much more stronger, because it means that you and only you will be able to manipulate the things you publish.
In a technological era like this one it is always good to make sure the privacy and confidentiality agreements so you do not have information "flying" around with no supervision or anything.

Monday, October 28, 2013


Creativity can come in different ways, this time in the article of The New Yorker "1 + 1 + 1 = 1 The new math of mashups" and in the article from The New York Times "Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of its Critters" I find it really interesting how people just have the ability to create better things from thing that are already done. For me sometimes is difficult to create new things because I think for some things I have not developed that as well as I could of with all the new media and technologies. I think that for me is sometimes really unfortunate that having so many things to use I just stay with the basic stuff, maybe because I am not a frequent user of them but learning about them and trying to use them might give me a better perspective of things and it is never too late to learn new things.
The mashups from videos are really great sometimes and get to be viral on youtube and generally in the Internet. creating this kind of things has it magic, mostly with the videos because people have to have a really good imagination of what they want to do in order for them not to get sue for copyright or things like that, so the person doing that has to be very clever to use whatever they are going to use and do it in a way that the people can enjoy but that at the same time is not illegal to do.

Also the article from The New York Times "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers" is very interesting because they do take into consideration what the users want so they can actually please them (of course this is not only for something that is mentioned just a few times, it has to be something that is "trending", so it is logical to say that Twitter actually cares about their users wants.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Blog about Twitter

I believe that for this class is more efficient to have a Twitter discUssion than a blackboard discussion because when people comment on your ideas you will get a notification right away, while with the blackboard you will have to go and check constantly to see if something happened. And it might be better than a I'm class discussion because you won't get interrupted and you can express your idea without any trouble, and sometime you'll be sure that people will read your idea and maybe be interested in it.